The Conviction

An Afterverse Tale (34 Panels) Read it right here or – Download the PDF E-book!

zine cover. Swordsman in prayer
Preface. The Conviction. A tale of the Afterverse.
A silhouetted figure visits a grave under a tree.
A man is angst-filled by something he's just read.
A determined man leaves the safety of light to enter shadows.
A strange hero approaches a stranger temple.
A dungeon delving swordsman lights a torch to descend into shadows dark.
A swordsman trudges through flooded dungeon tunnels.
Our torch bearer stumbles upon a strange stony giantess.
Our strange hero swears a binding oath.
Strange swordsman leaps into a mystical portal.
A swordsman braces himself for trouble.
A swordsman prepares to fight a shadowy spider.
A strange swordsman leaps into battle.
A swordsman battles a glowing skeleton.
A swordsman sneaks past a squid-faced wizard.
Swordsman fights a dragon-worm.
A strange hero finds a glowing gem.
A strange swordsman rests his hand on his sword.
A strange hero speaks to a saturn-headed being.
A strange hero speaks to a saturn-headed being.
A strange hero goes through a portal into a pastoral landscape.
Swordsman dashing past squares in design.
Swordsman uses a holy book to defeat a creature.
Swordsman uses magic to fight skulking creatures in the dark.
Strange swordsman posing.
Swordsman fights creature.
Swordsman meditates.
Swordsman receives sword from above.
Swordsman fights a dragon.
Swordsman kneels in thanks.
Strange hero finds woman in suspended animation.
Strange Hero escapes the underworld with woman in his arms.
Strange hero looks off into the future, guarding over a resting woman.

The Conviction – An Inktober Collection

After years of wanting to try it, 2023 was the year, I committed myself to participate in Inktober. While I didn’t use any of the official prompts (or anyone’s alternate prompts) I managed to create one pen and ink drawing a day (some days two) for every day in October. I could have done it digitally, but I wanted to learn how to handle the physical medium so I broke out the old crow quills and my trusty Pentel brushpen, eventually picking up some Pigma Micron pens.

How did I manage to do this with just an hour or two in the mornings before I have to go to work (never mind my ongoing work on thumbnails for another project)? Well, pretty simple, I drew small, I mean really small the originals are pencilled and inked on 3.5 x 4.5 inch bristol board cards. Next I kept a single subject, a character whose name I haven’t quite settled on and a setting that is a melange of a couple of different settings that I’ve been tooling around with. I didn’t have a story…but I didn’t need one. I would just draw whatever came to mind. My one recurring source of inspiration was the art from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks. I never quite managed to get that same aesthetic, but it was fun to try.

Having gotten through the month I really wanted to do something collecting the drawings and once I decided that, I saw the skeleton of a story across the drawings. A little re-ordering and daydreaming later I had enough of a story to work with. And thus, The Conviction was born.

Hope you’ve enjoyed it.

Author: cseptr